First Place
Wayne Jaszan presents the Joe Gubbels Trophy to skip Richard Dickson, vice: Ben Madill, second: Nevio Salvati, and leads:
Mike David/Bob Clement
Third Place
Gervais Pelletier presented the Siva's Family Restaurant Trophy to skip: Malcolm MacDonald, second: Carmen Perrier, third:
Sheila Harrison, and lead: Margaret Devcich
Wednesday Pre- Christmas Winners
The MacDonald Feed Trophy for the Wednesday Curling League - Pre Christmas Draw was won by the late Grant Chevrette's
team. Ray Schizcoske presents the trophy to skip: Bill Vane, and lead: Dan Bozzer. Absent are vice: Grant Cheverette, and
second: Rick Stewart
Second Place
Norm Beaudry Presented the Parmalat Trophy to skip: Louis Fortin, lead: John Pollack vice: Jerry Hannah (back right), and
seconds: Lucy and Dave Smith (front right)
Consolation Award
Consolation Prize winners this year were skips: Claudette Pelletier and Jim Hall, vice: Connie Grosvenor, second: Alan McColeman
and lead: Gary Legros
Wednesday Post- Christmas
Ray Schizkoske presents the Tiffany Kitchens Trophy for the post Christmas Wednesday draw to vice: Bill Vane and lead:
Dan Bozzer. Absent are skip: Valerie MacInnes, and second: Rick Stewart. They went undefeated in this draw.