First Place
Wayne Jaszan presents the Joe Gubbels Trophy to skip Ray Ginglo and his team from left to right vice; John Leblanc, second:
Jack Watson, and lead: Elaine Jaszan.
Third Place
Louis Fortin team of Vice; Norm Beaudry (left), Second; Greg Wilson (middle right), and Lead; Joanne Bergeron (middle). Presented
by Gervais Pelletier (right).
Wednesday Pre-Christmas Winners
The MacDonald Feed Trophy presented by Wayne Jaszan for the Wednesday Curling League - Pre-Christmas Draw was won by
left to right Skip; Armand Boudreau, Lead; Ivy Haansen, Vice; Ray Ginglo, Second; Dave Moore. The team went undefeated in
this draw.
Second Place
Ted O'Connor and his very enthusiastic team from right to left of Vice; Carmen Perrier, second; Rob Armstrong, and Lead;
Carole Delarosbil. (Whoot Whoot!)
Consolation Award
Skip; Rod Harwood, Vice; Noel Arbic, second; Alphonso DeLuca and Lead; Lorraine Charette.
Wednesday Post-Christmas Winners
Elaine Jaszan presents The Tiffany Kitchens Trophy for the Post-Christmas Draw winner to Skip; Wayne Jaszan, Second;
Rob Armstrong, and Lead; Jerry Hannah. Vice; Jeremy Pacaud was absent.